
题目:THE NATURE OF NUTRITION: A UNIFYING FRAMEWORK FROM ANIMAL ADAPTATION TO HUMAN OBESITY(营养的本质:人和动物肥胖产生的统一模式) 报告人:David Raubenheimer教授 时间:2012年10月24日 (星期三) 下午 3:00 地点:科研楼12层会议室  David Raubenheimer教授Institute of Natural Resources Massey University, Albany Campus Auckland, New Zealand 报告内容简介: Nutrition is a complex process of matching multiple and dynamic nutrient needs to variable, changing and sometimes hostile foods. And yet animals have evolved highly effective regulatory strategies for dealing with this complexity. For biologists, however, the challenge remains of how to understand – and to manage (e.g. animal husbandry, conservation biology and human nutrition) - these complex processes. In this talk I will show how simple geometry can be used for this. I will introduce the basic concepts of a geometric framework for nutrition, and present examples from my own research demonstrating the use of this framework. These examples span a range of species (from insects to domestic cats, monkeys, gorillas and humans), research contexts (from laboratory studies to the free-ranging animals in the wild) and objectives (from pure nutritional ecology research to applications including wildlife conservation, feed optimization for domesticated animals, and human health). 报告人简介: David Raubenheimer 教授是国际营养生态学研究领域权威专家之一,创立了营养生态学的几何模型理论。对于人和动物营养需求模式有深入研究,在国际营养生态学研究领域享有盛誉。他毕业于南非开普敦大学,分别于1984年获得动物学和植物学理学学士,1985年获动物学荣誉理学学士,1987年获营养生态学理学硕士。1991年被牛津大学(动物学)授予哲学博士学位,1992年获得开普敦大学FRD奖学金,并于同年回到牛津大学任动物学讲师,1998年他被任命为该学科高级研究员,并同时获得牛津大学莫德林学院生态学及人类科学研究生导师职位。2004年他成为生物科学学院讲师,2008年至今,担任新西兰梅西大学营养生态学教授。
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