
以色列Weizmann研究所教授Shmuel Gurvitz先生应邀访问公司,并将于2010年11月09日(星期二)上午09:00-10:00,在公司北校区物理学系三层举办一场题为《Quantum measurements in mesoscopic systems》的学术讲座。 报告摘要: New type of master equations for non-equilibrium transport through quantum dots or molecules are derived. Although these equations are of entirely quantum mechanical nature, they clearly display the interface between classical and quantum descriptions. The method is very suitable for description of quantum measurements, where the macroscopic (mesoscopic) detectors are included in the wave function of an entire system. We apply this approach for different transport and measurement problems. In particular we concentrate on quantum Zeno effect and the role of decoherence and relaxation in qubit measurements. 报告人简介: Shmuel Gurvitz,以色列Weizmann研究所教授,主要从事量子测量、介观物理以及核物理与粒子物理方面的研究,并在相关领域取得了卓越的成就。 欢迎参加!
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